Search Downtown

Each day you are able to Search Downtown 100 times. Each turn you use has the possibility to yield Money, Points, Items, or even nothing. Search Downtown is also an excellent way to find rare items they may not be available in shops.

Hit List

The Hit List is a list of game generated targets for everyone to attack. If you kill a person from the Hit List, you will gain bonus experience from battle.

Drag Race

Drag Race is where you go to race one or more of your cars against competitors. To enter a race, you must place or match a wager, and the winner takes the pot.

Pet Races

The Pet Races are races where you go to pit your Pet against other players' pets. You can set up a race with two or more pets, set the wager, and the winner of the race takes the pot.

Gang List

The Gang List displays a list of all of the Gangs within the game, sorted by highest level first. If you do not have a gang, you can browse through this list, select a gang, and apply for it.

Your Gang

The Your Gang link will direct you to the internal page of the Gang that you belong to or, if you don't belong to a gang, it will direct you to the Gang List or the Create Gang page.

Create Gang

If you've had a look through the Gang List and not found any Gang that you wish to join, or you've been in one and decided that you could run things better, the Create Gang page allows you to make a new Gang.

There are requirements to making a gang, so be sure to make sure you have enough money, are of high enough level, and are a Respected Mobster before you leave your current gang to make your own.